Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Article on

So the belly dancers ended up not needing me on the weekend and it was just as well because i could devote a little more time to losing the influenza that has been debilitating me of late. Mind you back in Gapuwiyak it seems to emerging once more; but it could be worse; it could be raining (thunder clouds are overhead)...

I will be sure to link here the URL of my feature article for the about the wonderful darwin club the Happy Yess!! ...

Les and Reuben are out here doing music with the lower secondary kids so it will be good to see what they come up with for Friday's assembly. Anna (Brisbane) if you are reading this; i DID find some photos from the Show and there is indeed one of you and one of you and your mum! They were on my camera which has been reunited with its charged batteries after a long absence!


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