Myspace versus Facebook!
The internet profile site war has begun!! Myspace shows itself to be pretty clunky in comparison to Facebook. However, as much of Facebook is third party powered, one has to wonder what these cats are doing with all the personal information you are giving them! What's more is that you don't know how secure their databases are that store your info!
Do i sound paranoid? Maybe that's one of the prices of watching the internet grow up... Kids today are utterly fearless of the internet. I applaud lack of fear, but it can also open you up to some very nasty things indeed...
Facebook automates a lot of stuff even going through your address books on webmail (if you give them your password {which they assure you they will use only this once!}); this at first makes it seem like an extremely powerful tool. I found two guys from my school within 20 mins; and that sort of stuff is pretty marvellous. What concerns me - apart from damn spellers trying to correct how i (properly) spell marvellous- is that Facebook thinks it's so smart by only allowing you to make a profile from a "real email address"; when in fact anyone could get an email address calling themselves anything and then therefore have a Facebook identity of their own heinous creation. Hardly fool proof is it!?